其实如果大家的英语程度还可以的话西班牙语培训小编建议可以试着用英语来学西语,这样方便理解比较简单。你一定没有看见过用英语教西语的语法吧~好奇的你一定要来读一下哟~ Telling the time ◆To ask the time you say... ¿Qué hora es? What time is it? ◆To ask at what time something happens you say... ¿A qué hora…? At what time...? ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? Literally: At what time is breakfast? ◆Times are always preceded by la or las. 13:00 La una One o'clock 17:00 Las cinco Five o'clock 14:00 Las dos Two o'clock ◆Times are given with the hour first. Then the equivalent of past, y, or to, menos, followed by the minutes. 7:20 Las siete y veinte Twenty past seven 18:50 Las siete menos diez Ten to seven ◆Y media is the equivalent of half past, and quarter is translated as cuarto 6:30 Las seis y media Half past six 4:45 Las cinco menos cuarto Quarter to five |